I should mention at the outset that if you have an iPhone, you're plain out of luck currently, there is no way to block spam because of the way the operating system works - it's all locked down.
Android users however, will be happy to learn that not only is an effective blocking tool available, they won't have to spend a single Rupee to get it. Just head to the Android Market from your phone and search for 'SMS Blocker Optinno' - the app has been developed in India by Pune-based Optinno Technologies and it uses a built in database and algorithm to automatically identify and block allspam messages automatically.
The app keeps a log of all the blocked messages and you can check them at any time to make sure that no legit messages have been blocked. Messages from anyone in your contact list are automatically delivered and you can choose to add specific senders/names to the white (allow) or block list.
The same app is also available for Symbian from www.smsblocker.in - even though Symbian users have to pay Rs 199, the price is well worth it. BlackBerry users also have a built in option - just head to the Options/Settings area and navigate to Security > Firewall.
The built in Firewall in BlackBerry OS can be setup to block messages or email - just enable it, check the box marked contacts in 'Exceptions' and also whatever other numbers you want in the 'allow' list.
Note that if you forget to allow your contacts or add other exceptions, every message will be blocked and there is no way to retrieve them.
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